Wednesday, Jul. 09, 2003

one hundred things

1. My legs are longer than my dad's, and he's five inches taller.

2. I don't mind needles or blood.

3. I am deathly afraid of cockroaches and their ilk.

4. I love any tomato-based food, especially pasta sauces, but I hate tomatoes.

5. I had an eating disorder through most of college.

6. I loved high school, probably because I was completely oblivious to my surroundings.

7. I always swore I would never get married. Then I met my husband. I'm 23. I'm married.

8. I prefer to clean in my underwear. This is not always an option. ;-)

9. I have never tasted ketchup. I've also never had a McDonalds burger, even though I worked there for awhile.

10. I can put my legs behind my head.

11. I used to dream of being on Broadway, and still do community theater whenever I get the chance.

12. My car is a boy. His name is Carey. I have no idea why.

13. Touching raw meat freaks me out.

14. I love to write short stories, but have a very hard time giving myself "permission" to do so.

15. I develop crushes on characters in books. Over the years, I've fallen in love with everyone from Captain Kirk to John Galt to Remus Lupin.

16. I'm a sucker for sappy, tragic, heroine-is-dying-of-some-horrible-disease stories, a la Lurlene McDaniel. I used to write them when I was younger. This worried my mother to no end.

17. I put salt on almost everything. My husband has threatened to buy me a salt lick.

18. I think red pandas are the cutest creatures alive.

19. I'm super picky about my jewelry.

20. Most of the time, I wear a silver chain with a pendant, usually some kind of celtic knotwork. All my pendants have some sort of special meaning, even if only to me.

21. I'd rather sit on the floor than in a chair.

22. I'm missing a vertebrae in my spine. Or it's positioned weird, I'm not sure. Either way, there is a big empty spot in my spinal column.

23. I think my mom would make a perfect college roommate.

24. I hate the phone.

25. I dream of visiting the Gaeltacht in Ireland, and spending hours singing in the pubs.

26. I wanted to be a doctor, but changed my mind in college when I realized that I suck at anatomy.

27. I can't stand wearing tight clothes.

28. Cheez-its rock my world.

29. So do Jelly Bellies.

30. I never seriously kissed a guy until I met my husband.

31. When I was a toddler, I was terrified by the Empire Carpet commercial song. My mom said I used to scream whenever it came on TV. (You know, 588-2300, Empire!"

32. I'm 1/4 Lebanese. So is my sister (obviously) but she has red hair, blue eyes, and freckles.

33. I have recurrant major depression, and will probably be on meds for the rest of my life.

34. When I was six, my dad had me thoroughly convinced he was an alien. I'm still not entirely sure he isn't.)

35. I actually liked the movie Crossroads. I blame my meds. ;-)

36. I also like Celine Dion. See above. No, actually it's because most of her songs are right in my range and I love to belt them out. Celine herself...bleh.

37. I am an American Idol junkie. Clay all the way, baby!

38. I have very small hands for my height. They're the same size as my roommate's, who is ten inches shorter.

39. I'm good at guessing weird medical diagnoses from hearing symptoms. When I was nine, I guessed that my grandmother had myasthenia gravis, and I recently figured out that my mom's friend's surgery was for a Chiari malformation, and my aunt had tardive dyskinesia caused by medication.

40. I think warthogs are cute. They look so happy!

41. I often talk to inanimate objects. The computer, my car, etc. No, they don't talk back. Usually.

42. I grind my teeth in my sleep.

43. I can do an excellent imitation of a cat and a cow. I'm not sure what that means.

44. Suicide infuriates me to no end. When a friend of mine tried to OD, I was about ready to finish the job for her.

45. Other than that, there are very, very few things that can make me angry.

46. I love urban legends.

47. As a child I could dissociate at will. When I was bored in school, I would "go away" and feel like I was physically in whatever place I imagined. I miss being able to do that.

48. I'm obsessed with names. I own and have read more than one baby name book.

49. I once had strep throat ten times in one year, and my doctor still refused to remove my tonsils.

50. Fifty more things? Are you serious?

51. Apparently so.

52. I love raw cookie dough.

53. I'm straight, but have no problem finding other women attractive or sexy. It's an asthetic thing, I think.

54. Sweating cups and glasses are one of my biggest pet peeves.

55. I can't do the Vulcan hand salute.

56. I am a highly accomplished procrastinator.

57. I love Ayn Rand's writing, not for her philosophy, but for her characters.

58. I learned to read when I was three. My parents used to have to take my books away and force me to go outside.

59. The fourth toe on my left foot is missing a joint, and is shorter than the fifth toe. It looks funny. I kind of like it.

60. I'm very much a cat person.

61. I am far more comfortable with my body when I'm naked then when I'm clothed.

62. I hate wearing shoes.

63. I haven't been throwing-up sick in almost fifteen years.

64. My handwriting changes depending on my mood.

65. When I was seventeen, I had an online relationship with a forty-two year old man. (Yes, I now realize that was a Very Bad Idea.) My parents had no clue. It was the only time I've ever had my heart broken.

66. I hate the taste of alcohol.

67. I think animals are a lot smarter than we know.

68. I have scars on my legs from where I used to cut myself. I don't want to treat them because they remind me where I've been, and why I don't ever want to go back there.

69. I think frozen green beans are yummy.

70. I have a very hard time when people I care about are sick.

71. I think I have Diet Coke running through my veins.

72. My iliotibial bands are too short. Because of this, my hips frequently make loud popping noises when I change position. I think it's kind of cool.

73. I get deja vu a lot.

74. I can eat a whole pack of orange Tic Tacs at once.

75. I don't like eating real meals. I am a total snack fiend. Popcorn seems to me to be a perfectly legitimate dinner choice.

76. I'm a paper packrat. I still have notebooks from high school.

77. I wish I was a lot shorter than I am.

78. I have very vivid dreams, often with complicated plots. They usually fade quickly once I wake up.

79. I'd much rather take a bath than a shower.

80. I love putting furniture together.

81. Twenty-three feels old.

82. I'm a perfectionist in my creative work. I often won't start projects because I'm afraid I won't be able to finish them to my standards. I'm otherwise very laid back, so this is kind of odd.

83. I've always wished I had stuck with ballet lessons.

84. I think "snark" is one of the coolest words out there.

85. I've found that I need people more than I'd like. I become somewhat self-destructive when left alone for too long.

86. I'm a wanderer at heart.

87. I adore thunderstorms.

88. I've never broken a bone.

89. I suck at returning library books and movies on time. I think I've single-handedly funded an entire wing of my public library.

90. I really wish women would learn how not to pee on the seats.

91. The toilet paper must come over the top of the roll.

92. I hate when people talk to me in art museums. Leave me alone. I'm absorbing. ;-)

93. I have no problem going to a movie by myself.

94. I wish on green M&Ms.

95. I'm usually completely oblivious to male attention

96. I loved eating snow as a kid.

97. I usually sleep on my tummy.

98. I bawled my eyes out while reading Julius Caesar.

99. I could care less about politics.

100. I have 20/15 vision.


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earlier later

break this - Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005

long time no post - Monday, Feb. 28, 2005

give me a little credit - Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004

blink-free - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

end of days - Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004

Clix me! (Pretty please?)