Sunday, Nov. 24, 2002

holidays coming

Just finished watching the Muppet Christmas Carol while finishing my thank-you notes. I love that movie. I've somehow managed to devote several dozen brain cells to remembering the music, so I got to drive Zach crazy by singing along. I think it will be a Christmas tradition for us.

I always try to hold out for Christmas till after Thanksgiving. It's easy for awhile - seeing Christmas stuff in the stores the day after Halloween always makes me grumble. It seems the season gets longer every year. But now, with the lights and decorations up and Christmas celebrations starting, I'm itching to get going.

Zach and I leave to go to Chicago on Wednesday. I love holidays with my family. Even when they get tense and cranky, they usually get over it, and we have our own little holiday traditions that will continue even with me being married. Thanksgiving Day, we cook and eat and everyone goes around the table and cheesily tells what they're thankful for. Mom gets all sappy and the rest of us try not to giggle. We decorate the tree Thanksgiving night. Friday we go see a new movie as a family and stay far away from the malls. ;-)

This year, we're going down to the city on Saturday afternoon. I think we're going to go to the art institute. Zach loves it, and so does everyone else in my family. I actually took my sister when she was about 12, and she had a wonderful time. We spent forever in the miniature houses.

Yay, holidays. :-)

I have an interview tomorrow morning. The job would be perfect, although the pay's not remarkable. It's enough, though. Wish me luck.


What I'm reading: Part of the Velvet series, one of my guilty pleasure romances.

What I'm hearing: Random Christmas music

What I'm wishing: To wow them at the interview tomorrow.

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earlier later

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Clix me! (Pretty please?)