Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003


Good grief, it is SO morning. I'm alone in the office with my little space heater and the floor is starting to look tempting. Whose bright idea was it to be at work an hour before everyone else, anyway?

Oh, right. Mine. Because it lets me leave an hour before everyone else, too. And that's just fun. Neener neener to them.

I've been watching "American Idol" the last couple days. I can't believe I'm admitting this, but I actually dreamed I went through the audition process last night. I kicked butt, too - sang my little lungs out. And I even looked cute. Can you see why I enjoy my dreams? ;-)

I've also been working on learning Irish. I want to eventually be able to sing in the language, so I figured it would help to learn to speak it a little. I also need to learn to read it, but the words themselves bear little resemblance to how they're pronounced. For example, "bhaileoimis" is pronounced "vwahl-YOH-i-mish", "suigh" is "si" etc. There's all these funky bh and mh and dh and such that are just odd. But it's fun, and I'm determined to learn a language that isn't Spanish, French, or German. Not that I know any of those languages, mind you. They're just the only ones offered in high school. I'm determined to be contrary.

I ordered a book and CD called "Singing in Irish Gaelic" from Amazon. It's supposed to come today. I can't wait! Pretty soon I'll be butchering "Fear An Bh�ta" with of them. ;-)

I'm going to see Jimmy Carter speak this afternoon. He's doing a forum for the international students at Emory, and since I work in the department I get to go. Should be interesting.

Off to a fun-filled day of database-land. Slan agat!! (Irish for "Goodbye")


What I'm reading: Just finished "In Sam We Trust," about the whacked-out entity that is Wal-Mart. Turned out to be quite interesting.

What I'm hearing: A collection of Celtic MP3s from

What I'm wishing: That the silly people here in Atlanta won't get all freaked out over the snow flurries we're getting. It's just snow, people. Chill. (No pun intended. Well, okay...maybe a little intended.)

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earlier later

break this - Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005

long time no post - Monday, Feb. 28, 2005

give me a little credit - Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004

blink-free - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

end of days - Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004

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