Thursday, Feb. 13, 2003

don't hide away

I'm getting a little tired of hearing about the Orange Evil Men With Funny Beards Alert. (The alert is orange. Not the men. At least, not that I know of.) I know it's important. I know that we all need to be extra-vigilant. I know it was given with our best interests in mind.

However, I can't figure out if people really think that buying gas masks and canned goods is going to help, or if it's just a way to distract ourselves. I have a very hard time picturing the headlines after a terrorist attack:

"Shrink Wrap Saves Lives"

"Millions Survive Due to Strategic Duct Tape Reserves"

If I were a terrorist right now, I'd be sitting in my little cave giggling my ass off at all those goofy Americans running around looking for tin foil and plywood.

And then I'd go steal Osama's box of Cheez-its.

All this talk of war is getting frustrating. I'm not hugely in favor of it. If Saddam is violating the UN resolution, or if he's persecuting innocents and committing crimes against humanity, then nail him. If he's not, then focus our attentions where they can do some good. Either way, make a decision. Shit or get off the pot. Y'know.

It all makes me wonder what they're NOT telling us. And how much of what news is fabricated to get our minds off of the real issue. For example, is there really an increased threat, or are we being manipulated into thinking there is to lend more support to bombing the crap out of Iraq? After all, it's a War On Terrorism. See, look! Terrorists. All over.

Students where I work have been protesting on street corners. I keep thinking I know where I stand, and then I see a sign like this:

"Iraqi children are not collateral damage."

It's simplistic, it's a purely emotional appeal...but it's also right. And now I don't know what's right.

I think I'm very glad that I'm not in charge.


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break this - Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005

long time no post - Monday, Feb. 28, 2005

give me a little credit - Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004

blink-free - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

end of days - Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004

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