Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003

letter to iraq

Dear People of Iraq,

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for the fear, pain, and destruction that is coming. I'm sorry for the missiles and bombs, and for the air raid sirens that will wake you up at night. I'm sorry that it has come to war.

I'm sorry that you have spent years being ruled by a madman who values your lives far less than his own. He has taught you to hate us. I'm sorry for that. We do not hate you. Some of our people will die to see you free.

I believe Saddam Hussain is a threat to the world. I believe it is necessary for him to be disarmed. I'm sorry this is how it will happen.

Please know that while our military is fighting your leader, we will do everything we can to help your people.


An idealistic girl in Georgia

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earlier later

break this - Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005

long time no post - Monday, Feb. 28, 2005

give me a little credit - Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004

blink-free - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

end of days - Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004

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