Friday, Mar. 21, 2003

protest or camping trip?

May I ask a question? Just one quick question. Thanks.

I am all for expressing your opinion. For or against the war, for or against the French, for or against freedom fries, whatever. Our country is great because of all our opinions and our right to express them.


How in the world does having a campout on the lawn of your college campus help protest the war?

I came up to work this morning, and saw a little tent pitched on the lawn. A few students sat on blankets in front of it, just talking. One had her dog with her. A little sign in the ground said "No War Zone."

My first thought was "huh?" This was not a tent city. This was not a sit-in. This was not a vocal protest. This was a bunch of kids hanging out on the lawn. They looked like they should have been at a Lilith Fair concert.

I appreciate the idea, but I don't think it's terribly effective. "I am so against this war that I am going to sleep outside! On the ground! Ummm...with blankets. And a pillow. In my tent." Lots of people do that, kids. It's called going camping.

I seriously doubt that our troops over in the middle east, who are running around in biohazard suits trying to get the sand out of their eyes (and nose, and teeth, and ears, and...) are going to look back and say "Day-um! Them kids in Georgia be sleepin' on the ground! Guess we'd better pack our bags!" If you want to protest, protest. If you want to go camping, find a state park.

My co-worker just came in, and said that the kids were gone. The maintenance people had to mow the grass.

Now that's dedication.

/end cynical rant


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