Monday, May. 19, 2003

is she or isn't she

Murphy made a little visit to my corner of the world today. He's apparently serious about this law thing of his.

My car has a flat tire, and since our tire store of choice wasn't open this weekend, I can't get it fixed till this afternoon. So, I dropped my husband off at work and drove his car. It's not a car, really. More like a gas-guzzling roll-over-prone SUV of Doom. The thing only got 30 miles from a 1/4 tank of gas this morning. But I digress.

My hubby, poor busy thing that he is, let his registration expire. He's been driving around for the better part of a month with no problems. We even made it to Tuscaloosa and back this weekend. Nada.

All of you students of literary devices know what's coming next. Guess who got pulled over on her way to work this morning? For an expired tag, natch. Thank you mister officer sir.

As I told Zach, Mr. Policeman says you should get new tags. And Smokey the Bear says only you can prevent forest fires.

Warning: Girl Talk to Follow. Sensitive eyes, beware.

When I woke up this morning, I said to myself, "Hey! Here's a fun thing to do. Let's sit around all day afraid we might be pregnant!"

Well, okay. I didn't actually say that. My body, however, had other plans.

Since I've been on the pill, my cycle has been very regular. Over the last couple of days, I noticed some light spotting. Unusual, but nothing to be concerned about. This morning, though, it got a little too heavy to ignore.

I'm in the middle of my pack of pills. Nowhere near time for aunt flo. It is, however, slightly past time for the big O. (Not that O, silly. Stop it.) Which got me thinking "I'm on an antibiotic...could this be implantation bleeding? Am I pregnant???

I'm hopefully not. However, all the other little things it could be seem unlikely. I've never had a cyst in my life, and I'm pretty much as healthy as can be in that arena. The only thing odd is that when I'm not on the pill, I get my period about every three months instead of every month. Something like this is just bizzarre.

It'll probably turn out to be nothing. My body just got bored and said "We have nothing better to do, let's bleed a little. Yeah." I still have a call in to my doctor. Hypochondria, anyone?

Okay, girl talk over. Boys, it's safe to come back.

I just finished lunch, and I'm already eagerly awaiting my afternoon snack. I've been craving frozen yogurt for three days. Yummmmm.... So what if it's raining and chilly? That's what my space heater is for.


Reading: Spock's World (Yes, I am a geek. But I'm fun! Or something.)

Hearing: Jonatha Brooke - I'll Take It From Here

Wishing: No more headache, please.

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earlier later

break this - Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005

long time no post - Monday, Feb. 28, 2005

give me a little credit - Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004

blink-free - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

end of days - Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004

Clix me! (Pretty please?)