Friday, Nov. 07, 2003

it's been one week...

...since you looked at me, cocked your head to the side - oh, sorry. BNL on the brain.

Speaking of BNL, their latest single is a riot. Whoever would have thought that someone could write a song about getting postcards with chimpanzees on them, and it would actually get airplay? It's great. Very bouncy, which is nice if you're in a cranky mood or stuck in traffic. You can't help but laugh your ass off.

Alas, poor appendix. I knew him well, Horatio. ;-) I had my appendix out last weekend. Talk about a shock. I started having random abdominal pains on Thursday night. By Friday night, they had scooted over to the lower right quadrant and I was running a temp of 102, which is highly unusual for me.

As this was Halloween, the first thing I saw when I walked into the ER was a devil. Real encouraging. They took enough blood to make another Emma, made me drink three cups of ice cold contrast stuff, and injected me with dye that felt like warm water being pumped through my veins. Let me tell you - being threatened with a catheter will make you come up with some pee for the little cup real fast. ;-)

The surgery went very smoothly, although I woke up with oxygen prongs in my nose, which weirded me out a little bit. They put these wraps on my lower legs that squeezed them to keep the blood flowing. It felt like I got an all-day leg massage. Nice stuff. I think I got pretty lucky - I went into the ER Friday night, was admitted, had surgery Saturday morning, and was home by Saturday night. No misdiagnosis or "let's wait and see what happens" meaning "let's see what happens if it explodes."

So I now have three holes in my tummy, plus one in my belly button that they stuck the camera in. It sounds insane, but I almost wish I could have watched. Almost! Hopefully no other random body parts will decide they want to escape this weekend. That appendix can be a bad influence. ;-)

Have a wonderful, surgery-free weekend!


Reading: The Twenty-something American Dream

Hearing: BNL - Another Postcard (go find it! Go! Go!)

Wishing: That my tummy will heal nicely and no little aliens will try to crawl through the hole in my belly button.

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earlier later

break this - Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005

long time no post - Monday, Feb. 28, 2005

give me a little credit - Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004

blink-free - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

end of days - Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004

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