Friday, Dec. 12, 2003

chocolate, chocolate everywhere

There was a huge wreck on the highway I take to work this morning. It happened at 3:00 AM, and still had a couple of lanes blocked as of 7:00. By the time I was getting there, it had been cleared, but according to Traffic Girl things were still moving very slowly.

My ride to work normally takes a little over an hour. I made it this morning in 40 minutes.

Go figure.

Things are moving slow on the Christmas front. I still haven't put my tree up, mainly because I was hunting for twist-ties to wire the ornaments on. I have a very playful cat. :-P Did you know that nobody sells the damn things? I finally settled for some green pipe cleaners. We'll see how they look. I also have to come up with some way to attach the tree to the wall, or else she'll pull it over. You'd think we had kids or something!

I do have most of my shopping done - just a few more things to get for the hubby. :-) I also put up my nativity and my christmas village houses. K started me on a set a couple of years ago, and this is the first time I've had somewhere to put them out.

I'm going to start my holiday baking this weekend. B is having surgery on Friday, and I want to get some cookies to her before that. I've been informed that I am on The List of people to call with updates about the surgery. That is a good thing, because otherwise I would be on The List of people who call every five minutes looking for news.

So, baking...mmmm... I make kick-ass fudge and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, so I'll do those for sure. I have some Pillsbury gingerbread dough - anyone know if that's any good? I'll do that and/or some sugar cookies to decorate. I was thinking of doing sour cream drops too, but these chocolate revel bars look awfully good...

Speaking of food...things have been so-so on that front. My thoughts are going there again, and I hate it. It's fairly easy to ignore (nothing like it used to be) but the fact that it's there at all bothers me. I had another slip earlier this week. I really thought I was over this. I lost about five pounds after my appendectomy, and it did something to my head. I haven't lost any more because I'm forcing myself not to. It really isn't that bad - more like the ed demons are sending out scouts to see if my brain would be a good place to settle in for awhile.

Right now I am just telling myself to shut up and get over it. I am not spending my Christmas worrying about my weight! There is too much chocolate for that! ;-) Besides, eating disorders are so sophomore year of college. (Kidding. I know better.)

It is Friday. And the cubicle slaves rejoiced.


Reading: Dave Barry (I am too scatterbrained to concentrate on a plot these days)

Hearing: "Brothers in Arms" - Dire Straits. Very, very cool song.

Wishing: Not a whole heckuva lot.

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earlier later

break this - Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005

long time no post - Monday, Feb. 28, 2005

give me a little credit - Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004

blink-free - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

end of days - Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004

Clix me! (Pretty please?)