Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2004

perpetual manipulation

It has begun.

Commence four-or-so months of idol-crazed Em mixed in with the normal rantings.

First said tidbit: Army Girl was robbed. Thank you.

BTW, if you don't regularly visit Television Without Pity, you're missing out. This is some great stuff.

Poor wittle Gabby kitty has some kind of infection on her face. She looks like she's been in a fight. Actually, she keeps walking around and glaring at me, like "You should see the other guy." I wouldn't put it past her.

She has to have antibiotic drops twice a day. Wooo, is that an adventure. Foolish me thought it would be easier to give her liquid than pills. No, no no no. Pills, you just pry her mouth open, drop in the pill, and close. Simple. Except for the likelihood of missing appendages afterwards, but that's a minor concern. This liquid stuff looks like liquified chalk and smells like bubblegum. Hasn't anyone told these people that pets probably don't like bubblegum unless it's already been chewed and stuck to the underside of a table? They're kind of like two-year-olds. Anyway, we're getting through it, but Gabs usually comes out of it looking like she's had a bad accident with a cow. And I'm getting a preview into what it will be like to feed a creature (read: child) that prefers to absorb its nutrition through its chin. Thanks, I think I'll hold off for awhile.

In other News of the Weird, Mark wrote to me yesterday. Still trying to decide if I should write back. My gut says no, but after all this time his words still get to me. He used to say "In the land of words, the writer is king." So very true.

I want to call B about it, but there's that whole "just had brain surgery" thing to consider. Yeah. Prob'ly a no on that one.

I'm falling right back into believing him again. Things like "I wanted you to have this address in case you ever needed me. If anyone else wants to know, give them this one instead - the one I'm writing to you on is a very private account." I look at that from a distance and see total bullshit. It's his way of making people believe they're special to him. And yet, I still somehow believe it.

Back when everything blew up, when we found out he had been playing several of us at once, it was clear what he had been doing. But there were things that made me believe that maybe I really was special. He would bad-mouth other people, but according to what some friends later told me, I was the Golden Child, not to be touched. Even now, I want to believe that I was different. That he really did care.

He is the only person that gets to me like this. Even Zach can't make me lose my mind like Mark can. It's nothing to do with love, and everything to do with talented manipulation. I see it coming and can spell it all out, and it still blindsides me, every time.

Nothing good can come of writing him back.

I'm probably going to do it anyway.


Reading: Just finished "The Cobra Event." Pretty good.

Hearing: My space heater

Wishing: That a certain person had forgotten about me completely.

--->Comment allez-vous?<---

earlier later

break this - Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005

long time no post - Monday, Feb. 28, 2005

give me a little credit - Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004

blink-free - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

end of days - Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004

Clix me! (Pretty please?)