Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2004

earth to...uh...

I must preface this by saying that I love my sister dearly. I really do. She is intelligent and sweet and loving (when she's not busy being a she-demon) and I would not want to imagine the world without her.

That said, I think she might be communting between here and Mars, and it's messing with her sense of time. Either that, or the girl is dumb. Not stupid. Dumb. Bleach-seeped-into-her-brain level clueless.

I got an email from Zach yesterday, asking if I knew of any reason Tiff might be calling him on his cellphone at 2:00 in the afternoon in the middle of the work day (hint hint hint). I said no, and I gave her a call to check.

Em: Hi, Tiff?

Tiff: Hi!

Em: Tiff, is everything okay?

Tiff: Sure, why?

Em: Well, Zach said you called his cell, so I wanted to make sure you were okay.

Tiff: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm at school and I was bored so I was trying to find one of you guys.

Em: *stunned silence* do know it's in the middle of the work day, right? He's at work.

Tiff: *light bulb flickers sadly* Oh. Yeah. Sorry.


Why on earth am I so hungry? I thought it was because of That Time, but That Time is completely over, and I'm still considering seeing how my stuffed lemur tastes. My stomach's not hungry; my brain keeps going "" It sucks. The stomach is easier to ignore.

This feeling scares me. It's the old pre-binge feeling. I hardly ever get that feeling anymore. I was okay eating more for a couple of days, but any more and I'm going to start gaining weight, which is not an option. I haven't binged in over a year. I really, really hope this does not become an issue again.

Oh well. I'm sure it'll be fine. Pass the protein.

More American Idol tonight!! ::dances around::


Reading: Not sure yet, looking for a new book to start.

Hearing: Jewel's "Morning Song" in my head. ("You can be Henry Miller and I'll be Anais Nin...")

Wishing: That I won't gain weight. Shallow, but unfortunately true for the moment.

--->Comment allez-vous?<---

earlier later

break this - Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005

long time no post - Monday, Feb. 28, 2005

give me a little credit - Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004

blink-free - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

end of days - Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004

Clix me! (Pretty please?)