Monday, Jan. 26, 2004


I feel like llama poo today. I think I'm back to the good old meds side effects roulette wheel. Headachy and woozy, and nauseated enough to feel icky, but not enough that I can just go ahead and puke and feel better. I don't think my body can throw up on its own. I didn't even when I had appendicitis.

Of course, now that I've said that, I'll immediately come down with some stomach bug and spend the next few days puking my brains out. Isn't that usually how it works?

There was quite some time when I felt like this almost constantly, so I keep thinking I should be used to it. After we changed my meds a bit last year, though, it pretty much went away. I got spoiled by feeling like a normal person. Heh. Normal? Relative to what, exactly?

Major ice storms are supposed to be moving through the area. I scraped a good quarter inch off my car windows this morning. It's not bad downtown, where I work, but the eastern suburbs (where I live) is supposed to be hit pretty hard.

I'm getting nervous about driving home tonight. I know I can drive in it. I was raised in Chicago - I've driven in everything, including a real honest-to-God blizzard as well as flash-flooding coming up through the floor of my car. (No, not at the same time. Duh.) It's everyone else I'm worried about. This is a city where the mere hint of wintery weather shuts everything down. They don't deal with it well.

Ice storms can be so beautiful. I remember walking to the bus one morning after a major ice storm. It was eerily quiet, no breath of wind in the air, and I was the only one outside. Every surface was coated in ice. Tree branches, mailboxes, power lines. The sun was just coming up and things were starting to glitter. It felt like the earth had suddenly frozen solid. I could have been the only person in existence.

That scene has stayed with me ever since, like a mental snapshot. I've always kind of wished I could have stayed out there longer, before people started coming out, and the sun melted the ice, and the air grew noisy. I liked feeling so alone.

Sorry. Apparently Memory Lane is a bit slippery today.

I'm off to take some Pepto. The caplets are your friend. The liquid? Not so much. If you didn't feel like puking before, minty-bubble-gum chalk will make sure you do now.

Have a day. If you feel meh too, we can start a club. If not, send some cheer, okay?


Reading: Zach's Get Fuzzy book.

Hearing: Cyndi Lauper - "All Through the Night" (yay Launchcast)

Wishing: That I would get paid so that I could stop counting the pennies in my bank account.

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break this - Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005

long time no post - Monday, Feb. 28, 2005

give me a little credit - Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004

blink-free - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

end of days - Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004

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