Thursday, Jan. 29, 2004

untrained melody

I got my W-2 today, and I'm actually excited about it. Isn't that sick? I've always loved tax time because I/we usually get a refund. Last year, we used part of it to get our Tivo. :-) I love our Tivo. His name is Fred. (Yes, you have to name the things.) He records American Idol for me. Yay Fred.

I really, really really don't want to be here today. Going home and curling up under the covers and playing with my cat sounds SO good. I look like shit, kind of like I just crawled out of the primordial ooze.

I have to get a paper written before class today. My prof wants a one page paper for each reading assignment, discussing our opinions on the reading and giving at least one question. The question is no problem, but opinions? This isn't terribly controversial stuff, kids. We're talking history of psychology - Decartes' views were interesting, but I don't really have an "opinion" about them, unless you count wondering why the man wrote in circles. I don't think I can put that. Today's reading was on the historical physiological foundations of psych. Here is my opinion: "I don't think it was very nice of Flourens to cut off little pieces of a dog's cerebellum so he could find out what happened." Yeah. Maybe I'm not cut out for this.

If you watch AI, just remember...

She bangs! She bangs! I have no professional training. In music. Thank you.


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earlier later

break this - Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005

long time no post - Monday, Feb. 28, 2005

give me a little credit - Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004

blink-free - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

end of days - Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004

Clix me! (Pretty please?)