Thursday, Jan. 29, 2004

there's something going around...

I stole this from Ericka, who stole it from Trance, who stole it from LA.

1. Copy this whole list into your journal.

2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.

3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you. Take note, ALL 100 are about me, the bold ones I have in common with Ericka. You bold what you have in common with me then make up new things about YOU for the rest.

Please add a comment if you do it so that I can come read it!

01. I drink Diet Coke on the way to work in the mornings, without fail. I try not to drink more than three cans a day.

02. I think the best sound in the world is a good, heavy thunderstorm.

03.I like to read.

04. I'd like to see some of the circumstances in my life change, but overall I'm very happy.

05. I am neutral macaroni and cheese. If I never ate it again, I wouldn't miss it.

6. My mother and I have had more ups than downs.

07.There are some things I would possibly go back and change, but if I did, my whole life would be different. I�m not sure if I want that.

08. I don�t need glasses or contacts.

09. I like to cook, sometimes. I LOVE to bake.

10. I like cats.

11. I like dogs.

12. I am married.

13. I've never been to Bermuda.

14. My favorite color is bluish-purple.

15. I have my BA in advertising. I'm hoping to go to grad school in psych in a year or so.

16. I enjoy a variety of musical styles.

17. I like to spend a lot of time by myself.

18. I like to go out on the weekends occasionally.

19. I want to travel (some of) the world.

20.I am SO not a morning person.

21. I often see the sun come up, as it is usually still dark when I leave for work. This is not by choice.

22. I don�t like certain foods, and I don't have to eat them. Yay for being an adult! Likewise, I can eat popcorn for dinner if I want.

23. I love the smell of coffee.

24. I have been employed in fields far from my original career ambition.

25. My biggest vice is laziness. I have a very time overcoming inertia.

26. I consider myself very intuitive.

27. I am extremely creative.

28. I do not see much of my extended family, but not by choice. They're just too darn far away.

29. I am very much a perfectionist, to the point that it keeps me from even starting things for fear that I won't complete them to my standards.

30. I almost always finish a book once I start it, even if it�s bad. Getting better about not wasting my time these days and have chucked the occasional stinky book before grinding through to the end.

31. I have three pillows on my bed.

32. I love baby animals. Like who�s going to say, �Damn, kittens suck!�???

33. I have no use for pretentious people. Another no brainer. I would sometimes like to crush them in a garbage truck.

34. I'd like to live in either the past or the future. Pretty much any time but now.

35. I am tolerant of different points of view, but I hate it when people even refuse to consider another side, or at least agree to disagree. You are not the be all and end all of human knowledge. Get over it.

36. I'd like to have more money, but I'm pretty comfy where I am. I'd like to get my bills paid off!

37. I�ve voted once. It was for an independent candidate. In fact, I think I voted for Nader just to be annoying. I hate politics.

38.I don't usually like being in the spotlight unless I am in a show, and even then it takes me a bit to be okay with it.

39. My parents have been married for 26 years.

40. I have always had leadership qualities, but I am terrible at delegating. Most of the time, I'd rather just do it myself.

41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing.

42. I live to make people laugh and smile.

43. I have no kids.

44. I can't grow nice nails.

45. People say I am very patient, but sometimes I feel like it is a chore.

46. I can't stand coleslaw.

47. I enjoy comedians.

48. I've never seen Sex and the City or The Sopranos. I have seen every episode of The West Wing, though.

49. I obsess when my computer isn't working right.

50. I�ve driven since I was 15 (with my learner's permit).

51. I love silence. I'm not the kind of person who puts the TV on for company.

52. I'm a spiritual person and I�d like to attend church again someday.

53. I possess an above-average I.Q.

54. I procrastinate. I have actually made it an art form.

55. I hardly ever wear earrings. They make my ears itch.

56. I�ve never been bitten by a snake.

57. I still enjoy coloring books and crayons.

58. I used to have so much on my plate I often became overwhelmed. I've gotten better about that.

59. I am not a member of the mile high club.

60. I generally know where my purse and keys are.

61. I have been working since I was 16.

62. I generally try to do what's right, but have to confess that sometimes I take the easy way out of things.

63. I very rarely overreact about things at the time they happen. I tend to bury emotions and they dredge themselves up later.

64. I have a few really close friends.

65. I rarely remember my dreams. I wish I remembered more of them.

66. I don't really like people-watching. I tend to stay in my own little world.

67. I like witty people.

68. I used to hate the heat, but I'm getting used to it. I really, really miss snow in the winter.

69. I hardly ever attend concerts.

70. I've never smoked pot.

71. More often than not, all I wear is my watch and chain. Well, and clothes. I've tried to go to work naked, but for some reason Zach thinks it's a bad idea.

72. I love, love, love candles.

73. I love my online friends, even though I don't get on IM much.

74. I have learned to say no.

75. I tend to get defensive when confronted.

76. I am able to have multiple orgasms other than by masturbation. Wow, that just got really personal! Yes, yes it did. It's good to be a woman.

77. I own sunglasses, but I have no idea where they are.

78. My bra and panties almost never match.

79. I always thought I loved the strong, silent type, but I married a guy who is very emotional and tender, and I adore him. There's a big difference between an ideal and the real thing.

80. I love my husband and family more than anything.

81. I don't own a vibrator. I'd like to get one, though.

82. My boobs are natural. What you see is what you get, baby.

83. I like the water, but I hate going into the ocean. I'm always afraid I'll step on something. Something alive.

84. I'm allegedly allergic to cats (according to allergy tests) but it's never been a problem. I luckily grew out of almost all of my childhood allergies.

85. I tolerate flying. It gives me a headache.

86. I daydream sometimes.

87. This space for rent.

88. I have been spanked by a lover. Dear God...thanks Trance

89. I don�t care for Spiders. Bugs in general freak the crap out of me.

90. I am sometimes easily annoyed. Depends very much on my mood.

91. I am easily amused. I think it's a great quality.

92. I'm ready for this list thing to be over.

93. I think Michael Jackson needs to be committed to a mental institution.

94. I don't have a ton of true friends, but I love the hell out of the ones I have and value them highly.

95. I have secrets. I think I have secrets from my secrets.

96. I *hate* not knowing what's going on.

97. I like to help people.

98. I miss my grandfather.

99. I buy things for people just because. I'm actually better about that then remembering special occasions.

100. I'm glad this is done!

--->Comment allez-vous?<---

earlier later

break this - Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005

long time no post - Monday, Feb. 28, 2005

give me a little credit - Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004

blink-free - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

end of days - Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004

Clix me! (Pretty please?)