Tuesday, Mar. 09, 2004

from the "wtf" department

Yesterday was an interesting morning. It took Z three tries to push me out of bed, and I do mean literally push. I got in the tub and washed my hair like I always do, and passed out for another forty minutes until Z came and found me. He left me to get ready, at which point I tried very hard to throw up (with no luck) and then made my way out to the bed, where I promptly passed out again. Z woke me up long enough to tell me he was leaving the phone next to me so I could call work.

I remember none of this. Nada. Nicht. I do remember getting sick, but only in the context of some weird dream. I had no idea what was happening until Z came home at 10:30 to make sure I wasn't dead. Apparently I'd rolled over on the phone while I was asleep and turned it on; thus no one could get ahold of me, and my office was calling him to see what was going on. I called my office, remember very, very little of what I said to our secretary, and was out again. I think I was awake for a total of about four hours yesterday.

I feel better now - at least I'm coherant. It just really freaks me out that I can't remember anything of yesterday morning. That, and I am still completely exhausted and could fall back asleep in a second if given the chance. Weird weird weird.

T and I had a great time while she was here. We went to the Barenaked Ladies concert. Kids, if you ever have the chance to see these guys live, do it. They put on a completely amazing show. Ed Robertson has the most adorable smile I've ever seen. I seriously wanted to hug him. Alas, he is quite taken and already has three barenaked babies. Sniff.

Okay, I am too sleepy to write and have it make any sense. I'm going to go and try to look busy. Goals for today: Stay awake, try not to puke, and stay awake.


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earlier later

break this - Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005

long time no post - Monday, Feb. 28, 2005

give me a little credit - Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004

blink-free - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

end of days - Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004

Clix me! (Pretty please?)