Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2004

does the plane have solid gold toilets?

I got my exam back. A-/B+. Woot. His comments don't make it look like I should have done that well, but I'm not going to argue. They'll help with writing the final, which was probably his intent.

I've never understood the A-/B+ grade. It can't be both. Pick one. Maybe it's the fact that we little grade-mongers will go into hysterics at the sight of a "B" all by itself, so they stick the A- in front to save our sanity? Or theirs? I dunno.

Quantitative measurements have defined my self-worth for as long as I can remember. My grades, IQ, test scores, weight, on and on and on. I cling to those as an objective reflection of my value. What's funny is that I don't believe it for a second. I know how easy standardized tests are for me, and that they can't be a true reflection of my knowledge. I know my ability to spit back what a teacher wants has very little to do with how much I actually learn. I'm finally getting to the point where I can separate them. This class I'm taking now is amazing; I could flunk the damn thing and still know that I have learned an incredible amount.

And I still see that grade and think it defines my intelligence. Yeesh.

We're going to see Zach's family for Easter. Got our plane tickets last night. $1000 for both of us.

Good freaking Christ on a pogo stick.

That's a situation I just can't win. We can, technically, afford it. I, however, have a very very very hard time spending $1000 to go to Louisiana for a few days. It has nothing to do with Zach's family. I want to see his family. I love his family. But...I don't want to see his family to the tune of $1000. Hell, I don't want to see MY family for that much. Not for a routine visit. Do you know what $1000 will buy? That was like, 1/2 my semester's stipend when I was in school. If I'm spending $1000 on plane tickets, there'd better be a beach and a personal masseuse waiting at the other end.

How do you say that, though? I can't tell my husband I don't think going to see his family for the weekend is worth paying that much. (Even though I don't.) Nothing personal, I just see that I could pay off half my credit card with that and it makes me cringe. I am keeping my mouth shut, though.

I no longer, however, feel guilty about going to New York this summer.

I am becoming completely addicted to Neopets. This is not a good thing. Not at all conducive to work. Argh.


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earlier later

break this - Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005

long time no post - Monday, Feb. 28, 2005

give me a little credit - Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004

blink-free - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

end of days - Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004

Clix me! (Pretty please?)