Sunday, May. 23, 2004

super-lame me

I forgot just how much getting back into an exercise routine sucks big giant donkey balls at the beginning. I used to be able to crank out an hour and a half on the eliptical trainer (not that that was entirely good, either). Now, I made it twenty minutes.

I. Suck.

Seeing as my only actual meal in the past two days was McDonalds for dinner this evening, I also feel like I'm going to puke. The rest has been...oh my lord, the rest really HAS been jelly bellies, Chex Mix, and animal crackers. Yeesh.

I'm in Baltimore for a conference this week, which might explain a bit of my crappy eating habits the last two days. There are some decent restaurants around, but none of my favorite spots - Panera, Corner Bakery, stuff like that. Soup and some bread, get me out the door. And I can eat there alone without feeling like the World's Biggest Loser. Right now, all I've found are sit-down places (California Pizza Kitchen...Pizza Uno...mmmmm....) and grimy, inner-city fast food joints. The first drugstore I find, I'm stocking up on pretzels.

My roommate doesn't arrive until tomorrow, so I'm enjoying the peace and quiet of the hotel room. Okay, I'm lying. I'm actually (gasp) lonely. And I miss my husband, but that's not nearly as surprising. This week is going to be tough, as I don't really know anyone here. The few people I do know, know other people much better and will be doing things with them.

Part of the problem is that I'm going through a strange, withdrawn phase. I'll make random comments to people behind me in line somewhere, but dammit don't get too close to me. I could probably find people to go out with, but that would require coming out of my shell, for real, not just for a five minute conversation. I don't want to. I like my shell. It's lonely, but I don't make an idiot out of myself.

Well, except for all the people I imagine are laughing at me.

Paranoid much? Me? Never! ;-)

I went to see "Super-size Me" tonight. Definitely worth seeing. It was kind of scary, actually. I genuinely don't understand how people get to be that obese. I swear, I am NOT trying to criticise anyone. I really just don't understand. It's like most people can't understand how someone could shove their fingers down their throat.

Nobody sets out to be that size. It just seems to happen. I'm terrified that one day I'm going to look in the mirror and that will be me, and I won't have even seen it coming.

I ate my first McMeal in about a year tonight, and to be honest, it sucked. Guess I haven't been missing anything. There are other fast food restaurants I like, but McDonalds I can skip.

Great line from the movie, after talking about how kids learn to identify fast food with fun and warmth. "When I have kids, every time we drive through a fast food restaurant I'm going to punch them in the face. They'll never go there!" Hee.


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break this - Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005

long time no post - Monday, Feb. 28, 2005

give me a little credit - Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004

blink-free - Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004

end of days - Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004

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